Inspire your windows with these 3 decorating ideas for winter window treatments and keep cozy during these cold months. Consider the following ideas: adding a cheerful statement, considering bold prints and dressing up plain curtains.
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Adding a Cheerful Statement
Think big and bright when making these bold ornaments. Red and green scrapbooking paper in fun patterns adorns shapes cut from poster board. We found ornament silhouettes online then enlarged them to suit the window. Glue three papers onto each ornament. Punch a hole at the top, then hang them on red cording or yarn taped to the top of the window. A valance of live greens finishes the display. Source: MidwestLiving
Considering Bold Prints
Bright florals that attract traditional tastes and graphic geometric patterns that offer youthful spunk are some of the bold prints being seen on windows lately. “With pattern becoming more important, it will change the way a designer designs for the window and how the client views her [or his] window fashion,” says Barrett. Source: HGTV
Dressing up Plain Curtains
Although it’s hard to go wrong with simple, solid sheers or panels, why not take them a step further? Give them a custom look by painting on a pattern or stencil, try glueing on embellishments such as silk flowers, beads or pom-poms. Or add bands of contrasting fabric to the bottoms of curtains that need a little boost.
Budget: Modest. Pretty trims can be had for a few dollars, and unadorned curtain panels for not much more. You also can go heavy on humble fabrics and light on expensive ones to get a more upscale look for less cash.
DIY: Absolutely, whether you’re working the sewing machine or wielding a glue gun. Source: DIYNetwork
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