Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Seed Pâté

Make this seed pâté when you want something in your refrigerator that can easily assimilate into just about any snack or meal. It’s one of those things that can cozy up to chilaquiles, be slathered on a quesadilla, dolloped on a yoga bowl, enjoyed alongside (or in place of hummus), spread on a tartine…you get what I’m saying.
Seed Pate
The base is made of seeds that have been soaked for a stretch and then blended into a creamy, full-bodied puree. In this instance I’ve worked in fresh herbs and garlic, but it’s not hard to imagine many different ways to approach the base. I like to finish seed pate with a bit of miso – for flavor, seasoning, and easy nutritional boost.

Seed PateSeed Pate

It also satisfies by the spoonful – for example, as a seed-based alternative to almond butter.

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